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What’s all this, then?

The book is supported by footnotes which are references or links to further reading. They work great in an e-book. You have to squint and type them in if you’re reading ODT (On Dead Trees), and if you’re listening to an audiobook, well, fugeddaboudit.

So why should paper readers and audio listeners be left out, I ask you? (The answer is that they shouldn’t.)

So here are the links from the book, on a handy web page, just so you can be smarter at parties. Oh, and gain a better understanding of the science of eating.

Some are scholarly papers, most are consumer-accessible. Play link roulette!



1- I’m not counting the birds that set fire to grasslands on purpose.

2- Scott Kilman and Roger Thurow. "Father of 'Green Revolution' Dies" . The Wall Street Journal

Chapter 1: Of Fear and Fads

Why me?

(No footnotes)

Book Recommendations

1- The Gluten Lie

2- Secrets From the Eating Lab

3- The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe

The Orthorexics


5- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the book used by the American Psychiatric Association to define mental disorders for diagnosis.


7- An Overview of Attitudes Toward Genetically Engineered Food

The Root of All Fears



10- The "Food Babe" Blogger Is Full of Shit

Chapter 2: All Food is Healthy

Ask the right questions

1- (What is a) Calorie

2- Are All Calories the Same?

3- Do “Moderate” Drinkers Have Reduced Mortality Risk? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Alcohol Consumption and All-Cause Mortality

4- Resveratrol: Don’t Buy the Hype

5- Agrp neuron activity is required for alcohol-induced overeating

Natural, Schmatural

6- Appeal to nature fallacy

7- Maize

8- How “Organic” is a Marketing Concept

9- Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?

10- 99.99% Of Pesticides We Eat Are Produced By Plants Themselves

11- No Health Benefits from Organic Food

12- Nutritional quality of organic foods: a systematic review

13- Herbicides make sweet corn sweeter and boost crop’s beneficial mineral levels, study finds

14- Is Organic Food More Healthful?

15- USDA National Organic Program

16- Far more toxic than glyphosate: Copper sulfate, used by organic and conventional farmers, cruises to European reauthorization

17- Nitrate leaching from intensive organic farms to groundwater (PDF)

18- Carbon footprints and land use of conventional and organic diets in Germany

19- Farming Claims Almost Half Earth's Land, New Maps Show

20- Assessing the efficiency of changes in land use for mitigating climate change

21- The organic industry is a case study in rent-seeking.

22- Organic Marketing Report (PDF)

23- Opinion | Putin’s ‘sock puppets’: How Russia ‘uses’ anti-GMO activists to undermine crop biotech and science

24- GMOs and the Revenge of Lysenko

25- We still Need Better Communication on GMOs

Sugar isn't Cocaine, and Bacon Won't Give You Cancer

26- Gary Taubes and the Case Against Sugar

27, 28- Does Sugar Make Kids Hyper? (This is referenced twice in the chapter.)

29- Clever Hans

30- Who's Afraid of Sugar?

31- Sugar addiction: pushing the drug-sugar analogy to the limit

32- “Eating addiction”, rather than “food addiction”, better captures addictive-like eating behavior

33- Communicating Risk and Certainty

34- WHO Report on Red and Processed Meat

35- Meat intake and mortality: a prospective study of over half a million people

36- Vegetarian diets, chronic diseases and longevity

37- Association Between Dietary Factors and Mortality From Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes in the United States


39- Nearly Half of US Deaths Can Be Prevented With Lifestyle Changes

40- Everything we eat causes cancer…sort of

41- Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review

Don't Fear the GMO

42- Viewpoint: Humans have been ‘genetically modifying’ food for thousands of years

43- Mutagenesis

44- Is it true there are no long term GMO safety studies?

45- FUD means Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt

46- New Pew Survey About GMOs

47- Gilles-Éric Séralini: Activist professor and face of anti-GMO industry

48- The Seralini GMO Study – Retraction and Response to Critics

49- Another Anti-GMO Paper Retracted

50- More bad science in the service of anti-GMO activism

51- Former Greenpeace leading light condemns them for opposing GM 'golden rice' crop that could save two million children from starvation per year

52- Foregone benefits of important food crop improvements in Sub-Saharan Africa

53- Bt GMOs reduce pesticides, increase yields, and benefit farmers (including organic farmers)

54- 40 years of data show Bt corn significantly reduces pests, spraying and crop damage, including in nearby non-GMO fields

55- Is Organic Really Better? 4 Food Myths Debunked By Science

56- The Environmentalist Case In Favor Of GMO Food

57- Farming Ideology Trumps Evidence

58- A Conversation with Rich(ard Roberts)

59- From GMO hater to biotechnology advocate: One person’s Facebook journey

Chapter 5: How to Lose Weight Safely

Who should lose weight?

No footnotes here.

How Much Should You Weigh?

1- Body Mass Index

2- 2.2 billion people are overweight and sick, but we’re still measuring them by a terrible metric

Don’t diet.

3- Secrets From the Eating Lab: The Science of Weight Loss, the Myth of Willpower, and Why You Should Never Diet Again

4- BMR Calculator

5- TDEE Calculator

6- I Lost 90 Pounds. Maintaining That Weight Loss Was Harder.

7- Lose It! (Note that this is not a blanket endorsement. It counts calories well, but sometimes promotes woo, like DNA-based diets. Sigh.)

8- More on Weight Loss

Chapter 6: When Food Gets Scary

A Brief Word About Eating Disorders

1- Recovery Dad and Recovery Girl

Beware Bad Advice

A Nutritional BS Detector

1- Ayurveda: Ancient Superstition, Not Ancient Wisdom

2- The new religion: How the emphasis on 'clean eating' has created a moral hierarchy for food

3- How The Clean Eating Fad Is Taking A Toll On Young Women

4- “Clean Food” The Deeply Offensive Marketing Ploy

5- The Inflammatory Diet

6- The Medical Medium’s Thyroid Pseudoscience

7- Skeptoid

8- The Feeding Tube

9- Updated: Top 10 Worst Anti-Science Web Sites

10- Viewpoint: How the organic industry spreads ‘fake science’

11- Televised medical talk shows—what they recommend and the evidence to support their recommendations: a prospective observational study

12- TV Doctors Give Unreliable Recommendations

Water Woo

13- Down the Virtual Rabbit Hole: Kangan water®

14- Gold Water, Silver Water, Copper Water

15- “Raw water”: The latest dangerous “natural health” fad

16- Does ‘Raw Water’ Provide Probiotic Health Benefits?

17- H2O.con

The 30-Second Detox

For something that takes 30 seconds you want footnotes?

The Only Supplement You Need is a Chill Pill

18- Diets in a Time of Scurvy - Part 1

19- More Trouble for Antioxidants

20- A Call for Caution on Antioxidant Supplementation

21- Vitamin D, the Sunshine Supplement, Has Shadowy Money Behind It

22- Vitamin D: To Screen or Not to Screen?

23- Routine Vitamin Supplementation Mostly Useless

24- Multivitamins and Vascular Disease

25- Is Cancer Caused by a Deficiency of ‘Vitamin B17’?

26- Liver Failure from Green Tea Extract

27- Green Tea: Panacea or Poison?

28- What is a dietary supplement?

29- Utah Senator Orrin Hatch: A pit bull in defense of the supplement industry

30- DSHEA: a travesty of a mockery of a sham

31- No Benefit from Fish Oil

32- Fishy Fish Pills

33- An Increase in Dietary Supplement Exposures Reported to US Poison Control Centers

34- Increase In Supplement Poisonings

35- Dietary supplements and herbal medicine toxicities—when to anticipate them and how to manage them

36- Hundreds of Dietary Supplements Are Tainted with Prescription Drugs

37- The Supplement Con

38- FDA Warns About Homeopathic Teething Products

39- Prenatal Multivitamins and Iron: Not Evidence-Based

Don’t confuse food with medicine

This little section didn’t need any footnotes. Don’t you think?

Chapter 8: The Joy of Food

How to Eat

1- Artificial Sweeteners: Is Aspartame Safe?

2- Update on Low Calorie Sweeteners

3- Combating Excessive Eating: A Role for Four Evidence-Based Remedies

4- Fasting-mimicking diet and markers/risk factors for aging, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease

Helping Children Love Food

Children don’t read footnotes.

What's for dinner?

Not a footnote, but a handy link- America's Test Kitchen Online Cooking School

Relax and Enjoy Your Food

5- Hallberg et al. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter, October 2000